Vienna Hotel

Black Tea

Smell 3/5:  Tenderly bitter, like a traditional black tea

Flavour 3/5: Mild bitterness leaving dryness in the mouth.

 Colour 3/5: Dark Amber

Tested (ml): 200ml hot water (approximately)

 Deposit: No

 Infused: 5 minutes (under a lid of the cup)

 Caffeine-free: No

Tea type: Bag

Manufacturer's description: No description.

Manufacturer's advice: Drink 1 time a day, 1 bag a time, place in a cup with boiling water, brew 3 – 5 minutes, can be drank and repeatedly brewed until the colour disappears.

Storage: Not possible detect.

 Price (£): Unknown

Price per bag (£): Unknown

Price per 1kg (£): Unknown

Weight: 2g

Package 5/5:  It is an excellence in representing this tea as every tea bag was enwrapped in aluminium sachet. Evey bag has a string with a tag at the end.

Produced for: Vienna Hotel/China

Manufacturer: Xiaoxi Biological Technology Co Ltd

Additional notes: As I stopped at Vienna Hotel, this tea was a present for me and price is unknown.

I could not detect the weight of the water as I did not have scales with me.

The AI translated the information so badly that I needed to make conclusions about the info I read.

Interestingly, I could not detect any deposit from the tea bag.

I did not put any hope on this tea as it is black tea.

Tested: Vienna Hotel/Shenzhen/China

Date: 20/07/24


Smell 5/5: Pleasantly sweet  

Flavour 4/5: Sweetish with straw flavour leaving pleasant light sweetness in the aftertaste.

 Colour 3/5: Bright Amber

Tested (ml): (approximately) 200ml hot water

 Deposit: No

 Infused: 5 min (under a cup lid)

 Caffeine-free: No

Tea type: Bag

Manufacturer's description: No description.

Manufacturer's advice: Drink 1 – 2 times a day, 1 bag each time, place in a cup with boiling water, brew 3 – 5 minutes, can be drank and repeatedly brewed until the colour is dim.

Storage: Place in a cool and dry place. Shelf life 24 month.

 Price (£): Unknown

Price per bag (£): Unknown

Price per 1kg (£): Unknown

Weight: 2g

Package 5/5:  It is an excellence in representing this tea as every tea bag was enwrapped in aluminium sachet. Evey bag has a string with a tag at the end.

Produced for: Vienna Hotel

Manufacturer: Guangdong Tea Import and export Ltd

Additional notes: As I stopped at Vienna Hotel, this tea was a present for me and price is unknown. Also, I could not detect exact weight of the water as I had not scales.

This is a first tea bag that did not leave any deposit in the cup.

Again, I have to prise a Chinese tea manufacturer for masterminding to make a lovely brew.

Tested: Shenzhen/China

Date: 20/07/24