My voice from China


 Published on Facebook pages – Facebook Poetry Society, Igniting The Spark, Ivo Bierands, On My Mind, Poetry UK, and The Love of Poetry on 08/10/24.

I breathe in what I used to be before I came,

I inhale what I’m going to be when I go.

The energy and power we separate from,

When we turn visible.



 Published on Facebook pages – Facebook Poetry Society, Igniting The Spark, Ivo Bierands, On My Mind, Poetry Prompts, Poetry UK, and The Love of Poetry on 07/09/24.

I can look at the endless blue sky


I like to look at them as deep as my eyes can stretch

In search for the answers I have lost,

But there is nothing more then

Creamy everlasting blueness

That I will never have enough.



This poem was read at Serendipity Poetry Evening at Cloggs Coffee Shop in Dewsbury on 05/09/24 and Beehive Poetry Night at Bradford Library on 06/09/24. 

Once in a blue moon

In the pastel blue sky

Over Shenzhen city

Drizzling rain was knitting a rainbow

And laying down next to the ice-white moon

That was going to bloom.



Published on Facebook pages – Facebook Poetry Society, Igniting The Spark, Ivo Bierands, On My Mind, Poetry UK, and The Love of Poetry on 16/10/24.

Navy blue sky attempts to put asleep

Ever awake Shenzhen,

I have no time to close my eyes

Enjoying of seeing sparkling shooting stars

Slowly crossing the peaceful sky of the city

Where 23 million people

Have found a space

Now they call home.



Published on Facebook pages – Facebook Poetry Society, Igniting The Spark, Ivo Bierands, On My Mind, Poetry Prompts, Poetry UK, and The Love of Poetry on 24/09/24.

Shenzhen weeps today seeing me leaving

I hide from its sadness under a black umbrella,


It wept pure tears from the pastel blue sky

Seeing me exiting a train station

It gifted me the most beautiful thing I had ever received from a city

A rainbow and the moon

In an early evening sky.

Goodbye Shenzhen

I’ll be back tonight

To spend another day with you.



This poem is dedicated to beautiful sky-scrapers in Hong Kong.

This poem was read at Serendipity Poetry Evening at Cloggs Coffee Shop in Dewsbury on 05/09/24 and Beehive Poetry Night at Bradford Library on 06/09/24. 

Sky scrapers are stretching themselves high in the sky

Pushing each another out of their way

Squeezing for their own space on a small land in Honk Kong

Claiming and clinging in the rocks as if being terrified to be pushed

In the Victoria Harborough

Drawn under waters and being forgotten about their existence.

People, ordinary busses

White and red coloured taxis as if from 1970s

Colourful breath taking two-floor trams

Like ants run among people created sky reaching beasts

Not being afraid of them to be hurt.



Published on Facebook pages – Facebook Poetry Society, Igniting The Spark, Ivo Bierands, On My Mind, Poetry UK, and The Love of Poetry on 13/10/24.

My mind cannot catch my heart

And put it into a frame,

It’s running too fast

Holding the flag of love high above its head

Leading itself into routs

Where its decisions sting it with spikes of roses.



Published on Facebook pages – Facebook Poetry Society, Igniting The Spark, Ivo Bierands, On My Mind, Poetry UK, and The Love of Poetry on 13/10/24.

I thought the moon stayed with Shenzhen city

When I waved goodbye to it before travelling to Shan Tou,

But it didn’t

It surprised me when I walked out on a balcony

On the floor seven to breathe warm summer air.


It roses above my head in the dark blue sky

Broadly blooming now and showing its complete beauty

Dragging along with it puffy, dark grey blankets

Ready to cover me with them when I call

To make my sleep comfortable and deep

Until I decide to wake up.



Published on Facebook pages – Facebook Poetry Society, Igniting The Spark, Ivo Bierands, On My Mind, Poetry Prompts, Poetry UK, and The Love of Poetry on 26/09/24.

I exchange my money for love

And I have nothing left

But full pockets of memories

Of laughs and kisses,

Smiling eyes and hearty hugs,

Tears of joy and heartwarming words.
